Our Impact

We are committed to use the power of food & gastronomy and education to raise awareness and help people build the right skill sets and adopt environmentally conscious behaviours in their everyday lives.

As a forward-thinking environmentally responsible non-profit organisation we address critical challenges that our world faces around sustainability and health.

We have developed and implemented innovative knowledge-based programmes and workshops centering on our values of sustainability, zero-waste, healthy nutrition and lifestyle. In order to achieve the most effective and long-term results, we focus on childhood development and knowledge transfer as our first priorities.

Food and gastronomy are a means for initiating societal change and creating a sustainable, more environmentally conscious, healthy and inclusive world.

We believe that food and gastronomy provide an excellent framework for

  • educating young people to be able to learn, develop and practise a healthier lifestyle
  • applying the philosophy of zero-waste, thus contributing to sustainability
  • developing children’s basic-, psychomotor and social skills
  • providing food support for different social groups in need

“We believe that access to knowledge helps develop healthy and sustainable lifestyle choices”

We accelerate impact by

Partnering directly with educational institutions

Partnering with organisations serving disadvantaged groups and child welfare institutions

Cooperating with enterprises/ companies sharing the same values and want to give back

Continuously improving our programmes

Conducting follow ups with institutions and participants of our programmes

Outreaching to the adult community around children by encouraging the children to share their new knowledge and personal experiences on preventing food waste and contributing to a sustainable future for our environment.

“Proven and effective approach”